Wednesday, May 16, 2001

18 fags, 2 kopitiam iced kopi-o and 1 iced spinellis americano
I wanna count how many cups of coffee I drank and cigarettes I smoked everyday. Statistical purposes. Coke people came for a final review at 7 p.m. sharp. We were at the nearby kopitiam, me sipping hot chrysanthemum tea for a change when we were told that they were here. So we proceed back to the office.

That Darren Marshall guy, hes the head honcho for Coke, keep on saying things like "Cool!!", "I Love it!!", "Awesome", "Lovely", in his American angmoh slang and it sounds a bit porno at times. Anyway, he's glad the site is finally taking shape (to his liking anyway).

But after the meeting, we were bitching about what he and the other pple were saying during the meeting when suddenly he went up to our level and thanking us for a job well done. He promised us to give us crates of coke. He was wearing this red coke t-shirt...kinda of nice, so I said' "Hey...nice shirt" At which he swirled around to show it off and promised to give that as well. Hurray!!

And there's a launch of the site at Zouk...he mentioned that we are Yani...wanna come?


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