Monday, November 26, 2001

One of my fav topics covered in the book...
To Be A Yuppie Is To Be A Successful Failure.
Yuppies in their madness, made the work ethic trendy. With hard work was supposed to come incredible success and the good life. Being a yuppie meant it was easier and better to be recognised for what one owned than for whom one was.

The world yuppiies inhabited, and to which many aspire to be, isn't all it'scracked up to be. Due to their wealth-warped mentalities and addictions to overwork, yuppies in great numbers suffered from hypertension, ulcers, heart disease, alcohol abuse and drug dependence.

Despite their abundance salaries, yuppies found leisure time the hardest thing to buy. And this is my favourite part. Many children in yuppie families missed their childhood because their parents were too busy chasing money, material goods and status. Other yuppies were training their children from an early age to be "successful" like them. Some yuppies arranged to meet their children sometime during the week by making appointments with them. Their children's schedules were so filled up with activities that they never learned what it is like to just relax and "do nothing",

In light of all these complications, people who choose a yuppie lifestyle and are still trying to maintain it at all costs certainly don't appear to be rational people brimming over with sensible thoughts. Although they boasted with how hard they worked, they don't appear to have had many overworked brain cells.

"This generation has a screw loose. They don't understand taht a condo in Collingwood or a BMW is not going to bring them satisfaction." Pamela Emmis, an industrail psychlogist quoted in a magazine.

Wow....though I don't consider myself a yuppie (bleah..I hate that word!) I think for me I feel I that I don't even have time to meet up with friends or just do nothing or cultivate something which I love doing.

Look at the ads promoting computer products or anything that promises to save time. Keywords in the copy would be "busy lifestyle", "digital world", "executives". And I find that the worst free magazine ever published is Upload. Their reveiws of new technology is done with great distaste. What is a digital lifestyle. Only the editors at Upload would have the answer. My fav free magazine is IS. It's full of interesting events happeing in the city plus a great review of places to go and things to buy.

This Stowaway keyboard is sooo good at writing my ramblings.


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