Tuesday, December 11, 2001

I was on the train today, suffering from a bad back, and quietly wishing that I wanted a good massage.
Trains doors opened at Clementi and I saw a blind man walking down towards the staircase. I offered my help to guide him, and asked him where he's headed to. He's on his way to cut his hair, which I think is short enough, but hey, he's blind right...and what do I know. Along the way, we started chatting, I asked him where he's from; he said from work. Intrigued I asked him what he does for a living. Guess what! He massages for a living!. He specialises in reflexology and body massages. A strange coincidence? I belive so. Anyway we started talking more and yes, he does house visits and he gave me his namecard. Haha...very cool. I shall visit him in the near future.

And today I became a chauffer for a friend driving to Johor to pick up his lady friend and then drive back to Geylang for some Hari Raya shopping. Stumbled upon a stall selling Egyptian stuffs and I found a nice shawl to complete this year's outfit. Yeah....I'm quite happy with my purchase, though I think I will look a bit strange wearing it. But then again, it;s just a nice feeling to be dressed differently from everyone else.


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