Friday, June 07, 2002

Passed by No. 5 Ann Siang Hill this afternoon.....
and there smacked at the place where I used to spent considerable time enjoying my own mixes while sipping coffee, is a cafe. It's a really nice cafe, modern and the same time looked a bit countryish. Hahah..nice contradiction. Ohhhhh...I hope they have license to operate the cafe at the rooftop. That would be so cool.
And there are other new shops opening at where Media Arts used to operate. Club Street always brings happy memories.

Watched the England Argentina match today. Sorry superlover....offer was difficult to resist. At an invitation from a friend, I've watched it at our very own adventurer, Siew Chow (I hope I spelled his name right). He's the guy who has trekked to the South pole and North pole and many other places. I think he just came back from either POle (soory but I'm a bit ignorant on current affairs). And he keeps a nice marine tank in his house, which was integrated to a cabinet. And since Hitachi is one of the sponsors for his trip, he gets to keep the big plasma TV. How cool is that? He gets a lot of rap after his conquest. Some locals dismissed his achievement because he has a guide on his adventure. I admire the guy. He gets to do what he really enjoys doing and at the same time earn some cash. It's like us I guess. But then for us we had to battle politics, colleagues and travelling like sardines in the morning....sigh.

Anyway, from the stories exchanged, he can climb Mt Ophir within 3 hours, ( I took about 5) and his friends often teased him that he don't appreciate nature cause he's always walking fast. Because I shoot 360 pix when I went to Mt Ophir, I was introduced as the ehem and I quote multimedia the lot of them. Hopefully someone at the table take note and sponsor any trips and appoints me as the official photographer. That would be way cool. Dream on MasterBates....have a kick ass weekend everyone!


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