Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Totally bored with my work
But hey, I'm not complaining, just that sometimes working life can be such a bitch. We had a discussion over lunch over our pathetic state at this point in our working life. Someone came up with an idea of selling goreng pisang. Another wanted to be a security guard....and yet another bloke wanted to be inside a vending machine, dispensing drink. We all wanted something that require less...nono..we want to do something without ANY stress. I want to go to Thailand, partner with someone who owns a bar by the beach, and start selling shisha (tobacco mixed with molasses and fruit flavors and is smoked in a hookah). You can see the hookah in some turkish restaurants/cafes.

Am listening to coldplay, red hot chili peppers, cranberries, urban species, enigma, macy gray, moby. I bought the iPod 2 months back (can't resist! it's sooo beautiful) and at least it has keep me happy and sane making playlists and bugging colleagues for new music and mp3s. And I just came back from a trekking trip in Malaysia, where I took a pix of my iPod at the summit. See the pix here!

So in retrospect, life's not bad after all.


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