Monday, March 01, 2004

TOBACCO: A member of the plant family "Solanaceae" which also includes
tomato and potato plants. Around 40 kinds of tobacco exist.

QUALITY: Tobacco is graded by leaf type and quality. There are five grades -
choice, fine, good, fair, and low. These are set by the tobacco's
uniformity, texture, age, oil, body, coloring, etc.

NICOTIANA: The botanical name for tobacco after Jean Nicot who introduced
tobacco into Europe around 1560.

RALEIGH, SIR WALTER: He popularized smoking at Queen Elizabeth's court
around the mid 16th century and was believed to be the first to smoke a
pipe in England.

TOBAGO: Columbus discovered it in 1498, and according to legend, named it
after the shape of a Carib pipe smoked on the island.

NARCHAOTIC: An act of mafiasm by a government body, with regards to
controlling cigarette prices. Might lead to ANARCHY.


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