Thursday, March 08, 2001

I hate "designers" websites.
I hate all the flashy 3D, the Photoshopped effects, the illegible fonts. Lately I've been reading articles from site, ( articles which discuss about the latest development in the web scene. This particular article caught my attention.

I was doing the HSBC thingie at the office last Monday. Got the brief from Vish (Flash guru), which was to provide a simple and engaging way for users to work their maths when they decide to take a loan from the bank. Basically, the user just enter certain figures and the amount to be paid monthly will be calculated for the user based on what the user inputs. I worked on it on Tuesday (public holiday) and on Wednesday morning, got word from my boss (a certain Marc Baptista), that a gadgety look will be better. i mean, come on!! A bank won't be like interested in those kind of things! Fast forward to today. I have read the article from Xplane site and was stumped as to how my boss runs the company. He doesn't have the slightest idea what he's talking about. All his ideas abt the gadgety thing is useless. If only he reads this article, that might change his thinking somewhat.

I think I had enough of the flashy graphics that are posted on most design agencies. I like the shapes, colours and everything, but thats abt what I like I guess. And I had enough of new products that eschews three in one a handphone cum MP3 player cum camera cum lighter, anyway you get the idea.

And I read the free issue of this month Upload magazine. This is another magazine which is promoting the so called "digital lifestyle" I like their links, reviews of websites et all but the articles are way too cliched. take for example when they review laptop users. They use terms like "road warrior", "mobile professional" "digital treats" "digital darlings". I cringed with disgust everytime they use words in their magazine. Maybe I'm getting old. Anyways......


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