Sunday, June 17, 2001

Did a little research today
I typed Marquis De Sade at google's website. I saw have a copy of Seven and remembered a scene in the movie where Brad Pitt was reading through all the writers that the serial killer might have read. He pronounced Marquis De Sade as MarKwees The SaDay (after Sade, pop diva) hahaha...anyway its supposed to be pronounced as Sard...not SaDay.

It seems that this guy is a sex freak. He was described as a multiple rapist, torturer, and proto-murderer. And the word sadist was derived from this guy. Just like casanova. Cooool. Here is a sample of his journal. (This blog idea dates back to the 1700's!!!)

THE 1ST OF FEBRUARY. 1. He used to enjoy amusing himself with a beggarwoman who had not had a bit to eat in three days, as his second passion is to leave a woman to die of hunger in a dungeon; he keeps a close watch upon her and frigs himself while examining her, but does not discharge until the day she perishes.

2. He maintains her in a prison cell, toying with her for a long season, gradually diminishing her daily portion of food; beforehand, he has her shit, and eats her turd upon a platter.

3. He formerly liked to suck the mouth and swallow its saliva; in recent days he has developed the passion of immuring a woman in a dungeon with food to last no more than a fortnight; on the thirtieth day, he enters her prison and frigs himself upon the corpse.

4. First, he would have her piss, then he would slowly destroy her by preventing her from drinking although feeding her all she wanted to eat.

5. He would flog, then later kill the woman by depriving her of sleep.

THE 2ND. 6. His first passion was to have her shit into his mouth, and he would eat it as it emerged; nowadays he feeds her a diet of worthless bread and cheap wine. A month on this fare and she starves to death.

7. He was once a great cunt-fucker; now he gives the woman a venereal distemper by injection, but of such virulence she croaks in very short order.

8. As a youth, he was fond of receiving vomit in his mouth, now, by means of a certain decoction, he gives her a deathly fever which results in her speedy demise.
Sicko! And they made a movie based on this guy....Quills, shown recently here. Starring that guy in Shine and the female lead in Titanic...Kate whats her name...anyway, I missed the movie.


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