Saturday, July 07, 2001

a. A mass for a deceased person.
b. A musical composition for such a mass.
c. A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.

Requiem For A Dream has got to be the most compelling and mesmerising movie I've seen this year. I have no idea what the story is about, I remembered only the poster hanging at Orchard Cineplex. And after the first 15 minutes, it's about drugs and I know how the story ends like. But this movie weaves like magic. You'll feel for all the characters in the movie, whether they steal to get money to buy the drugs or in the case of the girlfriend, whoring herself to get money and drugs. And the mother who lives alone who decides to lose weight after a phonecall saying that she will appear on television. She too went to extremes just to fit into her fav red dress. And the music is really nice....aggresive violins with electro beats in the background. If you like morbid, dark story, this gem of a movie is showing at Orchard Cineplex.

And then there's the website. You will appreciate the site only after you have watched the movie. It a brilliant piece of work, not in terms of graphics used but the idea behind the site. And it won the D&D Silver Award for this site. Designed by Hi-Res.


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