Tuesday, September 18, 2001

The Happy Bunny
One day, Mr Rabbit was running happily in the woods. He stopped suddenly upon seeing Mr Deer smoking marijuana. "That's shit you're smoking Mr Deer! Come follow me!!" Mr Rabbit said. Mr Deer, a bit stoned, agreed happily.

So off they ran gaily in the woods. Then Mr Rabbit saw Mr Elephant snorting a line of coke. "That stuff kills!! Come follow me!!" So off they ran, Mr Rabbit in the lead, followed by Mr Deer and Mr Elephant.

Then they saw Mr Lion about to shoot up heroin. Mr Lion immediately pounced on Mr Rabbit; and knocked him unconcious. The other two animals were surprised at Mr Lions actions.

"Hey! Why did you do that for? Mr Rabbit was trying to save us from drugs! He's trying to save YOU!!" Mr Deer cried.

"The imbecile! He always does that whenever he's high on Ecstasy." Mr Lion grumbled.



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