Tuesday, January 16, 2001

I saw a lionfish swimming gracefully at the fisheefishee shop today. But it does'nt look like Sultan, although it is from the same family. Sultan is more regal, especially when he flipped his long, flowing fins.

The new titanium Powerbook is simply amazing. Wonder if Ah Bengs in Singapore will get one. And if they do, I wonder if people will buy one too. But I think pple will still buy the laptop coz it is just....cool. And if I buy one, it will further complement my phone. HOI!!! Ka bish!!! Get a grip Norman!!!

In his article today, Jason Pettus, the guy who writes regularly in AvantGo wrote in his headline "I Saw Naked Women This Weekend". He was describing his weekend at this warehouse party where party goers were required to wear masks and could see naked women painted in gold making out with other women and some other stuffs. It is really exciting, a mind opener to go to this sort of parties I suppose.

This Jason guy is reason enough if u are ever skeptical about getting a PDA. He make the PDA more human, with his writings. And a PDA is just another computer, albeit a smaller one, so you decide what you wanna do with it. And as for me, Palm Stories, (the first adult oriented material delivered to your PDA, thats what their slogan says) is updated today after one long week. Technology is wonderful after all.


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