Tuesday, January 09, 2001

The pain, the pain.
Tuesday, 2.30 a.m. This was the second time my chest was, quite literally, felt like being squeezed. And it ain't no fun. The first time it struck was last Sunday. Spasm cmahzam, the next minute, I was sitting near a sidewalk, arms holding my chest, and silently wished the pain would just go away.

I did think that a drag of Marlboro will ease my situation. Damn you cigarettes for making me to even consider that!! And damn all al fresco cafes!!

Today's convulsion is mild, and I did think of enjoying a stick after the pain stopped. Is smoking and having trouble sleeping go hand in hand? Why can't I sleep early? And usually, the following day, I will be late for work. And it feels almost like a routine. Sigh.


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