Tuesday, January 09, 2001

Sultan, my lionfish died at about 7 a.m. today.
He ruled my tank for about 7 months. I'm writing this while on the way to work, and he's resting peacefully now, inside my bag. I'm not sure where I should bury him or how. In the meantime, I think I will put him in the office freezer. Serene and Ron, you're as good as Sultan if you leaked this info.

He was'nt looking good since last weekend. His eyes were slightly cloudy, like as if when you fill a shape in Flash, colour it white and apply a 40% opacity to it. I think the cause of death is because I overfeed him. It's because of a rather large fish which he swallowed. Read in a book that if you overfeed a lionfish, his lungs will burst. I guess that happened to my dear Sultan.

I remember this incident when I bought him his dinner. My sister and my brother-in-law along with their kids were there. So I invited them to watch Sultan in action. The kids were excited. I dropped the first feeder fish into the tank....Sultan gulped immediately. Everyone cheered. And the second one. NGAP!! Gone instantly. A round of applause. Am I running a circus here? Then my sister asked me to put the last fish somewhere far from Sultan, so that Sultan will have to chase the fish and in turn provide more action. I think Sultan was like Russel Crowe in Gladiator. There was this scene where he killed an opponent viciously by beheading him and shouted to the crowd "Are you not entertained?!!!".

Sultan will be sorely missed.


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