Monday, March 12, 2001

no lar it is okie. :)
i drank iced kopi todae .. hee*
how about you?

i bought vcds, The Mexican and The Cell. have u watched them?
I was at Holland V this afternoon; colllecting my card which was retained when I entered the wrong PIN number 3 times in one sitting. We had coffee at Starbucks to celebrate coz money is in the bank.

I've watched The Cell. Nice props and costumes. You went to JB too?

hooland V? oooooh* i am getting poor. cheque's not in yet.. monney running low.. so no starbucks for me yet.. U have watched The Cell? i heard it was good.. nah din go JB... bought it from some 'chart chart' stall from tampines...the uncle was yelling LD quality duplicates, not cinema filmed, no ppl go toilet wannn *lol*.. so i got interested checked out the vcds, they had nicer covers then those other pirated ones so thought it looked mrore pro so i bought lors. heheh* the snatch ost sounds quite good when i was at HMV jus now...


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