Sunday, October 24, 2004

Music playing on my iPod
This month, got a bit of a frenzy buying CDs. My excuse? I need the music to pass time for my reservist.
Buzzin' Fly Volume One
Fantastic mix album by Ben Watt. Lots of soulful house. Plus the cover and packaging is so damn nice.

U.N.K.L.E., Never Never Land
Another gem. If you listen and analyse the lyrics, you'll see that what Lavelle is writing about is the wars that's happening around the planet.

Global Underground, James Lavelle (Barcelona & Romania albums)
This mix I always play whenever and wherever.

Global Underground, Sasha (Involver)
Packaging for the CD is rather unique. CD and sleeve is encased in a transparent, opaquish clear plastic. If you have a really good headphones, you'll enjoy all the different layers of sound that the guy put together.

Faithless, Sunday 8 PM
Fav album from the band. "Don't go" sung by Boy George still sounds soo good after all these years.

Manu Chao Radio Bemba Sound System
This live album draws on reggae, salsa, and Latin pop songs from Chao's first two excellent solo albums. His music from this live recording makes you just wanna sway your hands in the air and just jump around. Let's just hope he makes an appearance at Womad.

Daft Punk, Daft Club
Hmmm, shouldn't have pick this up. The first track is nice and clubby and all, after which the successive tracks by the other artists sounds like it's trying too hard to capture the Daft Punk sound. The remix by Slum Village is nice though.

Joss Stone, The Soul Sessions and Mind, Body and Soul
Got these from a colleague. Amazing voice and soul, coming from this 18 year England native. Don't really like R&B stuff, but her voice just suck you in.

Jack Johnson, Brushfire Fairytales
Simple, folksy, bluesy tunes. I think his music is excellent if I'm on a road trip across M'sia/Asia, playing it loudly as I travel across the vast countryside.

Ben Harper, Diamonds On The Inside
From reggae to rock to folk to funk, this guy can belt out a mean tune. This is another album for the road.

Have you been to this particular record store at Holland Shopping Centre? It's called Rhapsody Records. They have some nice collection of music, definitely better than That CD Shop. The guy, Alvin, is quite knowledgeable in all things related to electronic music. And you can sample the album before you part with your hard earned cash.


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