Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Welcome to the Book of World Records for Men.
Found these trivia while sorting out my old magazines.

Least amount of time after getting a tattoo and then uttering the phrase, "Fuck! This is stupid!". 1 minute, 11 seconds.

Most guitar lessons taken and still really sucking: 2,142 times.

Most channels flipped through before stopping to watch something: 1,455.

World record for driving the longest period of time without speaking to his wife: 2,837 miles, after which Larry Rvykin finally asked her to "shut the hell up".

Most pages of a book read in one sitting while actually using the toilet: 321 pages.

Most money spent on a woman without getting sexual intercourse: $45,679. Moron.

Longest continuous time without thinking about sex: 16 minutes,a certain priest at his mother's funeral.


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