Friday, May 27, 2005

Nice thoughts...
Harold Dahl, who ran a successful business back in the 18th century, encourages his pregnant wife to take long walks in the countryside.

His theory was that if the eyes of his wife absorbs the beauty of the lush surroundings, it will transmit that image to the unborn baby within the womb. And the baby would grow up to be a lover of beautiful things. Whether that’s proven or not, it is really a nice thought, I mean he is Roald Dahl’s dad!

And he conquered his handicap (left hand was amputated in a freak accident). He could tie his own shoelaces and he sharpened his fork so that it can be his knife. he kept this in a slim leather case and carried it around wherever he goes.
He collects paintings and furniture but above all, he likes gardening and he has a vast collection of alpine plants. Roald Dahl’s mum would tell stories of how his dad would frighten her to death by hanging on rocky cliffs with his right hand, reaching for the plants.


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