Monday, May 02, 2005

I found a humongous fighting spider last weekend. Fighting spiders (Thiania bhamoensis) are some of the cheap toys that we played when we're growing up. With lil boys, whoever caught a Bruce Lee type spider will always be respected. We boys were programmed that way, I guess. Whoever has the biggest, baddest, anything, rules.

If I'm 10 again today, with just this spider I found, I will be ko towed like a king. Other boys will meekly say Hi and ask me how I manage to skillfully find a champion breed. What kind of food do I feed to maintain the spider's fighting capabilities. And they would also want to know where I catch it, in case there's another one hiding a few leaves away. Those losers..hah!

I'm feeding my spider ants and maybe crickets. Found out another thing today. Time taken for a group of ants flocking a cluster of sugar. 6 mins. How they sense food so fast is simply amazing. Does sugar leaves a scent? Whatever the explaination, lil Goliath here is not complaining.


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