Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hello. Bye!
Yesterday evening I had a meeting to discuss the possibility of employment at an established office. When I got there, I was surprised that they gave me the standard job employment application form. Dude, come on! I thought we are supposed to have a chat? You can ask about my background as we talk.

It's not because of my ego that I leave their office after writing down my name. I apologised to have wasted their time and mumbled something like "It's ok. I don't think I wanna have a chat." Totally not pro on my part.

As I was leaving their office, a guy (he looked kinda gay) at the lift smiled. Sort of like a I know how it feels like to be in your shoes kind of smile. A very encouraging smile. I had to direct my gaze somewhere else when we were in the lift and I think I looked rather silly.

My music is gone. And now my professional reputation too. And other men misjudged my sexual preferences. Preference.

What's next?


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