Tuesday, January 16, 2001

I was enjoying October's 1999 edition of Interview magazine. I really can't find anything remotely interesting to read yesterday evening. And I found this issue in a special box my mum had reserved just for old magazines. I was surprised at the freshness of the articles despite being what, a year plus? I like Interview coz most of the people that they well, interview, are up coming stars. In that sense, the stars are more authentic. They don't have any airs. Yet. And the pix are good too. Hell, I saw a pix being used at a website I saw just a few days ago.

And there's this short article which I like and find personally useful. I think it is also important to keep a good impression to all the people you have already known. I mean, you can't just take people for granted. Anyway.

First Impression Special - How To Guarantee Your Second Appearance

1. Clean up Your Act.Your mama was right. no low-cut neckline or strong handshake can ever make up for poor hygiene. Wash behind your ears and clean your teeth. Nix the premeeting Dorito (if you're hungry, eat an apple.)

2. Get Dressed. Think carefully. What's right for the red carpet may not be for Sunday brunch (except maybe with your drag-queen pals.) Sequins have their place-keep them there. Remember, it's always you that should shine.

3. Don't Forget The Shoes. Alfred Hitchcock once wrote that people can always be judged by their shoes. He was right.

4. Time Your Arrival. Life isn't a nightclub. It generally ain't cool to arrive more than 15 minutes late (30 minutes in New York because the person you're meeting will most likely be late.) And if you're early, sit it out. Nobody likes to be surprised by an early arrival unless they already know you.

5. Don't Stop Smiling. Unless you're at the funeral, a smile is always appropriate. Especially when you're meeting for the first time. And be sure to offer your hand before they do.

6. Remember Names And Details. It will take you a long way, and will impress the heck out of most folks. And if you can't remember someone's name, don't be afraid to say so.

7. Pay Attention. The hors d'oeuvres on the other side of the room can wait. Pretend the person you're meeting is the last living soul on the face of the planet. What goes around comes around.

8. Leave The Lemons At Home. We all hate a sourpuss, and making a bad impression is worse than making one at all. Don't rain on somebody else's parade just because you'd rather be at home watching Jerry Springer.

9. Leave A Lasting Impression. Good manners win out over good genes. Hands down.

© 1999 Interview magazine. I don't have any intention to infringe on copyrighted material, so please don't sue me. I don't have any money anway.


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