Wednesday, March 14, 2001

I have failed as an aquarist. I had to take leave iust because the tank was in a mess. Unsightly green algae everywhere, my study table constantly wet...but then again I was lazy to go to work. In 2 days, my tank will celebrate its first birthday. But sadly, there won't be any coz all the fishes died, except for one tiny damselfish.

I'm at Mango now writing this blog. It's funny to see how vain most women are. And the one who thinks she's Katie Holmes (current fav actress) usually ain't. For more reference, please watch the recent Ms Universe Spore. Yeah...the mirror lies. That explains the big mirrors near the dressing room. And I saw this woman who was trying out this tight pants but she didn't realise that the security latch is pinned exactly at her butt. And a big one too. Her butt I mean. What a sight!


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