Saturday, June 04, 2005

Kong & Lien, A Love Story
Lien (mushy tone): Ah Kooonggg, if one day ah, I lost my arms and legs, you still love me?
Kong: Aiyah, why think like that? Dun worryla, I will quit my job and look after you.
Lien (widen eyes): Really ah?!
Kong: Yala...
Lien: Like that how we survive?
Kong: I buy wheelchair. I push you to nearest market. You sell tissue ah.
Lien: Aiyah Kong, I talking serious la.
Kong (sniggers): Hahahaha...playing only what! (Turning serious) Then hor, if I got accident, then my face all jialat and croo kate, how, you still love me?
Lien: I think you better die ah like that! So troublesome to see you in pain. Die better la.

Hehe..this conversation really took place. Names shall not be mentioned.


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