Friday, March 23, 2001

Though I am very tired after days of gruelling exercises, the first thing I did was turning on the computer and get connected. A geek and proud of it. I missed listening to my music. Missed my coffee. Missed reading magazines. But hey, its a good thing I guess. You won't appreciate what you have till they are not there in your life.

Monday there will be a live shoot at this Nee Soon camp. I'm excited cause I scored a perfect score last year! 30/30! I am a certified marksman for the past 5 reservists, 4 times with a normal police revolver and last year with the HK MP5 sub machine gun. I'm gooooodd. ;D. And last Wednesday, a guy from another troop asked me whether I'm scoring another perfect one this Monday. I don't even know this guy! How did he know abt my score? Well...I guess that was my 15 mins of fame.

MIR space station crashed today. It landed boring.


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