Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Its kinda hard if you wanted a good nights out in town but the friends whom you're with have different opinions on where to head out to. Ever caught in the same situation?
It started on last Saturday night. Went to this pub at Orchard Towers called Crazy Horse. I was with Suman, Chandra and Nas. I think most of the women there are prostitutes. There were some lone ang moh sitting at the dark corners of the pub. There was a group of Ah Bengs drinking. There are couples who can actually talk intimately over the loud music. And they even played Vengaboys. At this point we could'nt control ourselves and we laughed. We laughed even harder albeit secretly when the Ah bengs started to dance. True to form, they danced just like Nas always dance when he mimics Ah Bengs, heads moving left and right to the beat and hands in front of the face. Chandra danced too after a few glasses of beer, after some gentle persuasion.

I went to Bar None yesterday at the Marriot Hotel where Douglas Oliviero was performing. The crowd there was good, kinda sophisticated and looked like the jet set kind. Robbie Williams "Rock DJ" was playing when I entered. There was a group of women wearing skimpy dresses whose job I think is to scrutinise potential partner. Just a one night potential. Guess I did'nt fit their description. Its a nice place with an equally good crowd. I'm ok with the place but then someone suggested going somewhere else.

Somewhere else turns out to be Jams2000 at Clarke Quay. At the lift landing, there was this group of young Malay girls, aged 22/21, who looked kinda cool, not surprising since its ladies night after all. But then we saw the guys. Malay, aged 22/21. And they looked like the Malay version of Ah Bengs. I guess that's why these guys were there. And it's pathetic if they do get those girls. It's either the girls are stupid or it shows how well the guys can sustain a conversation. Nah...I don't think so.

So we left and head out to Roar. Someone mentions that Wendi Koh performs nightly. Big mistake. The music they play made you feel like youre in this big tank filled with lights and there's nowhere you can escape except to hear the shitty music the DJ spins all night. Christina Aguielera (remix version....uggghhh), Ricky get the picture. But it was just interesting to see people dancing to these tunes. I'm open to new experiences. And there's the club dancers. There are 6 of them I think, all dancing on top of speakers, above the bar and there's one dancing on a raised cage structure. All are guys except for a female dancer. Somehow she managed to make the music sounds good what with prancing and slick moves and all that. And the guys are all pumped with muscles. Bodybuilders who dance? And the funny thing is some of the women actually dance with them! Even touched the guys biceps and stomach muscles. Gosh...they must be the female version of men who like big breasted women. But then again women has always been a mystery.

I met the guy who owns the cheesecake shop (the one besides Pizza Hut at Far East Square). His business must be good coz he ordered a crate of Heineken and offered me a bottle, to which I declined politely. We chatted for a while and he was with a group of police officer whom I know only by face. Nice chap, this guy Don. The woman there aren't exactly interesting. I saw this woman dancing intimately with an ang moh man. And I mean intimate. She was grinding her rump against his pelvis and they danced that way in unison to the beat of Christina Aguielera (remix version....uggghhh). Duh. I guess both of them aren't totally into the music by then. And we did'nt get to see Wendi Koh sing coz her set ends just as we entered the place. Bad bad night. Enough already!!


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