Vote For JUNKFLEA... Thank You so Much! C-Ya this weekend...
Thursday, May 30, 2002
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Welcome back masterbates! I just got back from KL myself ! That friend you talked about sounds interesting. ooh. I have one for multimedia art exhibition to be held in sydney and singapore. let me know if you are interested okie? yups think i wanna churn up a date for coffee to get all the people out and make good new frens over coffee. got new people to intro you guys to! Yet another interesting fella, heh okie shall check back with you for the date. It will be next week.
Saswadee karp's been a great week of sightseeing in Bangkok. Time seem to pass by slowly there. Starting to feel the hectic pace now....gotta do laundry, unpack, clean room and prepare for work tomorrow. I've tried to post before I leave, but server was down. Lucky was quick enough to copy before posting....mind not working that here's last week posting.
Thanks everyone for the warm wishes.
It's been a whirlwind week at work, clearing stuffs before going on leave. Our industry is fucked up that way. Now that's over, on to packing my stuffs. Yes, would love to catch up for week after Wednesday will be fine. One of my colleague has a friend who's looking for people who can come up with designs which he can distribute. Worldwide. Exciting right? It will mean a huge commitment. It's just like you're starting your own label. Anyway if anyone is interested, tell me. I'll hook you up with him.
Before signing off, it's the allsystemsgone top 10
Craig Armstrong - Wake Up In New York.
A beautiful composition by the composer. Sung by Evan Dando, onetime Lemonheads singer. Well, the whole album rocks. This guy collaborates with a whole lot of singers, from different genres, yet he composed music to his own style. Even Bono sings in this album, with their song Stay (Faraway, So Close). I love the lyrics to that song.
Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow
Hip hop, served smooth and groovy. Innovative.
Goldfrapp - Deerstop
Black Hawk Down - Mogadishu Blues
Cinematic Orchestra - Channel 1 Suite
Pal Joey - Drum Major Instinct
Waldeck - Defenceless
The Business of Strangers (movie)
City of sin, here I come! Have a lovely week everyone!
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Bangkok Masterbates? enjoy kie? catch up together all of us, when you are back and whn i am back from KL. coffee sometime?
...enjoy ur trip to bangkok Bates... and when ya re back, please remember to update ur links... tsk tsk tsk...
Friday, May 17, 2002
Stolen from submind's blog.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Star Wars Character : Han Solo
Han is a powerful character. He also tends to be possessive and lusty which would explain Han's greedy nature. He feels threatened by Leia's attempt to order him around which displays the disliking scorpios have for people who try to control them. He is often prone to suspicion and jealousy as seen in the empire strikes back. However, his resiliance and passion lead him to get what he wants.
Jango Fett I want to be. But somehow the Jango bit disappears and Fett is what I am now. Sigh.
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
so wat's ur dream Bates... is it by any chances wet... hehehe
That I'm a bike messenger, shuttling around town with my bicycle and at the same time improving my stamina. A big named bike company will sponsor me with all the latest bikes and thus allows me to advertise for them. I will go to Japan, Australia, Thailand and the States for all the major mountain bike races. I will win all the trophies and I will produce and direct my own videos on how to do stunts. Before I retire, I will learn to design my own bike and then I get the chance to design my own decals. Once that is in production, I will engage an ad agency to sell my product. And when they show me their ideas, I will say, "Nice first try. You can leave to your drawing board. Thank youuuuuu." Heh.
Yeah! I'm off to watch Star Wars. Heard from Chao that it's really good. Too bad they didn't kill that JarJar Binks.
Monday, May 13, 2002
I went to the Esplanade last week for a brief tour.
It was a great place to experience the arts. There's this concert hall which is simply amazing. There's an organ with huge, tall pipes and the walls can be tilted to refine the acoustics of the performance. And the floors....the floors are hollow. The guy who brought me for the tours said that the concert hall resembles a submarine, it traps sounds so as not to disturb the other performances in the same building. There's a lot of thought going building this masterpiece. My personal opinion is when the Esplanade opens on the 12th October, the critics will be silenced. Some members of the public are calling it names, like durian or peanut building or what not, but they have never been inside.
It's just like that Singapore guy who conquered North Pole. Some people say that he did'nt really conquer it because there's a guide with him. It's just sad that people reacted this way. We are a bladdy small country so pls support someone who has the dream, spirit and tenacity to pursue it.
Thursday, May 09, 2002
Yeah there was once I saw a website, which featured designers with their pets, which was really interesting, and from there they linked to their sites. Thought that was really interesting too! Great way of linking, and promote commitment and love for pets! I really liked the Pet Project. hehe! *applaud to a good project*
Dom wants in too? okies sure, you guys can start designing, dateline should be around second week of June. It can range from print to silkscreen to spray to sew on. Anything you can think of ! Saw the graffitti spray project styra did? heh! Another crazy good idea!!
Hey Mr Lovahlovah
Saw your pet site. I think it's really neat. I've forwarded it to some of my colleagues and that sparked an interesting conversation about pets. Didn't realise that most of them are passionate about animals. One point voiced out was that if there are sites that people can easily post to give away their pets, then people won't be responsible towards their pets. It's a Catch 22 situation I think. But we conclude that sites should educate people about the commitment when they want to keep animals as pets.
I've told Dom abt our T-shirt project too. He's freaking enthusiastic. If you all don't mind, he's 100% in. Keep me updated yeah?
Saturday, May 04, 2002
It's great to see my favourite superhero in widescreen glory. Superman is just too....powerful. Batman got no super powers, except that he's rich and got cool gadgets. But Spiderman is just way cool, slinging for one building to the next, like some urban Tarzan. And the outfit is just damn nice. Not like the Spiderman from the Electric Company. Hah!
The Incredible Hulk is making its way to the big screen next year. He's got the most awful dress sense. Who would wanna mix purple and green? Yet he looked cool. ANd and blue. I respect the people behind all these characters. It's just special.