Monday, April 29, 2002

I'm thankful to be alive.

Within one hour, I nearly got hit by two vehicles. One was a bus, the other a big fat stupid Mercedes.
Just grateful to be alive.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Have you ever wondered how is it like to be a housewife?
Or in my case, my own mum. I skipped the question of imagining being your dad coz you know how shitty working life is.
I think I should just be kinder to both of my parents.

What Kinda Shit Are You?

I am Diarrhea .
Diarrhea's are by far the most humorous of all the shits going for the big laugh at all costs. From fart jokes to slapstick humor Diarrhea's are know for pulling out the stops when it comes to shits and giggles... though Diarrhea's do have their down sides.. And like the sad clowns they are, Diarrhea's are actually dying inside and prone to suicide and even murder... very true. Somebody help!!!

Saturday, April 27, 2002

Now for some pop junk.
Thunderball - Heart Of The Hustler
Waldeck- Death Of A Piano Salesman
Goldfrapp - Deerstop
Black Hawk Down - Barra Barra.

Upcoming Movies
The Panic Room
When are they going to show Donnie Darko?

Fresh is over. Now that is refreshing.
I'm just glad I need not fork out the money for the event. I'm impressed by Andreas Odernaal (Wireframe) preso. Although he seemed nervous on stage, his work and ideas is very elegant. Joshua Davis the man is inspiring. Here's a guy with a loud personality, but I sensed a soft side when he describes his fine arts paintings.

It's just wonderful to see all the designers look and behaves differently. Each has their own ideas, culture, influences, style. And just like any creative endeavour, it's better not to arrive at a solution in a single session. Exploration is the way to go.

I've rub shoulders with the K10K crew when a hourde of fans, students I think, rudely interrupted us for some stupid group picture. C'mon, I was very close to conclude that both of them were aliens and you all had to bother us with your stupid cameras.

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

See you guys at the fresh conference!

bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce...

Tuesday, April 23, 2002

Clients are about their logos like guys are about their .... you know.
They love talking about them. They love to look at them. They want you to look at them. They think the bigger they are, the more effective they are.
But as any women will tell you, nobody cares.

- from Hey Whipple, Squeeze This. A book about how to create ads. How very true. Get this book even if you're not in advertising. It's very entertaining as well as informative.

Saturday, April 20, 2002

k10k is live again!!! all together now....woohooo!

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Psst, next friday after fresh conference, Phunkstudio's holding the Utopia
book launch at zouk.. think i should be heading down. There's some displays

A live grafitti showcase. Happening next monday, 5 p.m. till 10 p.m. at The Youth Park.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

Enjoy this article about the Blogging revolution.

Swayzak, State of Grace is really nice. Reminds me of 80's disco music somewhat, but minus the cheese.
Other than that, I'm enjoying The Cinematic Orchestra. Channel 1 Suite, Durian and Moving Cities is on the list everyday at the office. Really nice.
I burned a CD for my colleague (Amelie soundtrack). She fell in love with the music; played it to death in the office, till another colleague asked her politely when is her birthday. He noted the date and tell her that he'll buy her a new CD when it's her birthday. Heh!

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Has anyone seen the movie Zoolander yet?
Damn funny! I got it from the VCD auntie who sells her wares at our building staircase. I was looking for Donnie luck. But I did find The Business of Strangers. Got to know about the movie while surfing at HiRes, they are the pple behind Donnie Darko's site, Requiem For A Dream and even This Is What I Called Music website.

Sunday, April 14, 2002

checkout henry's site... navigation...

Thursday, April 11, 2002

May 1st Reboot
Masterbates, go take part. I spot superlover and saigonapple already.

Monday, April 08, 2002

thanx for the scipt, man! just wanna do something for the TCI

Monday, April 01, 2002

YES! finally GREENDONKEY Version3.0 has been uploaded, this time we have an interview with KYTV.