Friday, April 27, 2001

My Personal Tip To Feel Good
I have been down for the past two weeks. Enough about that. My tip is to indulge yourself in a good body scrub everytime you feel beat or down. All you need is a loofah, your favorite shower gel, a body scrub and a shampoo to round it off. My personal bathing parapernalia is by H2O. Enquire at their shops abt their spa treatment line.

And after that, I brewed myself a thick cup of coffee (I put an extra spoonful!) switch on the peecee and begin writing this blog, and immersed myself to my favourite tracks.. How am I feeling right now? Well, I feel relaxed now, my problems and worries seemed to be washed and cleaned away.

My Personal Tip To Feel Good
I have been down for the past two weeks. Enough about that. My tip is to indulge yourself in a good body scrub everytime you feel beat or down. All you need is a loofah, your favorite shower gel, a body scrub and a shampoo to round it off. My personal bathing parapernalia is by H2O. Enquire at their shops abt their spa treatment line.

And after that, I brewed myself a thick cup of coffee (I put an extra spoonful!) switch on the peecee and begin writing this blog, and immersed myself to my favourite tracks.. How am I feeling right now? Well, I feel relaxed now, my problems and worries seem eons away.

Monday, April 09, 2001

I met a neighbour while smoking outside the office today. She's quite old, in her mid seventies I think. Chatted with her for a while and I found out that she used to say at the shophouse at No. 5, our previous office, when she was a little girl. Maybe can ask whether that place is really haunted.

Sunday, April 08, 2001

How To Piss The Hell Out Of Telemarketers
Tip No 1
Ask repeatedly if the conversation is being recorded. Claim that the police been listening ever since you came back from a secret mission to Kalimantan. Convince him until he hears the clicking too. Then you win.

Tip No 2
Act interested in whatever he has to offer. And you have to stutter. Expalin that you have a neurological disease and that you can't bitch!! control what goddamn titties comes out of your assface!! assface!!!

Tip No 3
Interrupt his sales pitch with a piercing scream, like in "Run, Lola Run". EEEEEUUUWWWWWW!! I just spilled coffee on my lap. And act as if you've accidentally made the situation worse. "I got to get some salt on this burn before its...EEEEEUUUWWWWWW!!!". You get bonus points if he offers to call the ambulance.

Tip No 4
Explain that you've just return from a Chemical Brothers gig and your hearing is dead. Ask him to speak louder...louder...LOUDER!! Make him start his pitch all the way from the top. Then wait patiently for him to give up or slam the phone.

Friday, April 06, 2001

you are not a failure coz' keep this saying in mind....Failure is one step to success.
nothing goes well in this life so, just keep on trying.

Thank you Ninibunny for the support. I think I needed that.

Thursday, April 05, 2001

I am scared of dying, and of other people dying, and about my life, especially my job, which in a way contains a concept of the future (too scary, cause the future ends in death). In a relationship, it's okay I guess, if I die first (a bit selfish). But how do I know when my partner will go first? Could be run over by a bus tomorrow, as the saying goes, which means I have to throw myself under a bus today. (my funeral song by Dido "My Life" is playing as I was writing the previous line!! Coincidence or what!! Creeeeepppy man!!)

It was a really depressing ride home today. Colleagues asked me out for dinner, but I declined knowing ultimately the conversation will be about the current situation at the office. I kept thinking about what I will be doing in 5 yrs from now, will I have a stable income, this , that and I was thinking, God, I'm a failure.