The guy (the one in orange) is simply amazing. And please visit Tokyoplastic. Now. Got all these gems from Newstoday.
Friday, January 24, 2003
Bran Van 3000 Glee is one of the best album I've heard this year, well since last year. It mixes different genres so effortlessly. Nice, nice, nice. And they are based in Montreal, Canada. Cirque Du Soleil came from the same place. Hmmmm..
Monday, January 20, 2003
Think I'll wake up earlier and just go out; either go jogging or just cycle around my neighbourhood. Should be fun just see what other people is doing at that hour. But I know for sure after lunch, I'll be struggling to keep my eyes open. Guess not....haha. Woke up at 10 a.m...but just take my time to get dressed and ready for another day at the office.
Damned that's a supa cool phone... can i have a few dayz of usage first before ya smash it... a friend basik has just launched Astrology for Deluxism... the 2nd installation...
You think so? It looks a bit plasticky, feels more like a toy and the arrangement of the keypads made it difficult to sms. Listened to the tune on your link. It's always nice to hear soothing music, though a bit quirky for me. And I think the first song is not working. Can't seem to hear anything after clicking it a few times.
Thursday, January 16, 2003
Yeah! Finally this project has seen the light. After countless arguments, coffees, cigarettes, AEs giving deadline a stinking frigging name, and clients with demands Saddam would have no problems making, the Nokia 3650 demo is launched. (Click on the "View interactive demo" to view.)
I think I'll buy the phone, then smashed it against the wall, and just enjoy the moment watching it being destroyed to smithereens. Ahhh, us Scorpios never change. Revenge is a wonderful thing.
Sunday, January 05, 2003
Had a great time exploring the great outdoors today. I went cycling near Mandai. We ventured towards the army training area. It was great fun. A lot of us fell negotiating the steep and uneven terrain. None of us had a clue of which route to take. At one point, we cycled all the way towards the SLE, and there on top of a big ass hill, we could see Johore. We'll be back definitely.
Been getting good MP3s lately, courtesy of my colleague. Lionrock City Delirious, Talvin Singh O.K, Sven Vath Fusion, a compilation CD named Freezone. I think I need an external hard disk to store all the music. Am looking at Iomega's 80GB external hard disk. I intend to burn and store whatever MP3s I have now, connect the HD to my laptop (an iBook hopefully if I can afford one) and hook it up to my stereo. An elegant solution I think.
With all the new digital cameras flooding the market, my camera looks kinda ancient. It's a great camera. Think I will have to stop thinking of getting new stuffs. I'll have to try to channel my thoughts in other direction for now. Hmmmmm, no word yet from the guy at Philips. I should think of a way to write to him again.
To the family of the Naval officers involved in Saturday's crash, my condolences. It would be interesting to see what how the Navy give their final investigations to the public. Nearly 2 a.m. Writing rubbish again.....but I can't sleep; though am exhausted from the activity today...sigh.
Thursday, January 02, 2003
Put on your headset and dream away to Deluxism by SS3 and Untitled Document...
GREENDONKEY v6.0 has been updated with an exclusive interview with OAC!
+ An all-new JUNKFLEA to kick start ur year Bates! Wish ya a healthy year ahead!