
Ahhh..I see. Bak Kut Teh is used to be known as Bar Ku The. Or was it The Bar Ku? Or The Ku Bar? Oh yeah, pigs loves to hangout at The Ku Bar.
The Ku Bar is located along Balestier Rd. Pls say Hi to the founder if you patronise his shop.
Overhead conversations
Hmmm..podsites is an interesting concept. In a nutshell, it acts like a mini text-based reader for your iPod.
Went to a restaurant in Malaysia last weekend. Can't help chuckling at what's cooking for dinner.
Daft Punk love them. The White Stripes were influenced by them. Introducing DJ Pascal Arbez new outfit, Vitalic, My Friend Dario.
I got a new teaser for my site. The light in the picture glows faithfully at my void deck, taken with my fav manual cam, the Rollei 35SE.
Trust the Japanese to deliver funny shit.