Anyone been playing Snake?
Try harder coz my highest score now is 711. Yep, this happened in the last 24 hrs.
Anyone been playing Snake?
It's nice to have your ego stroked sometimes
I thought I could stay away from surfing design sites while on M.C. I did, I did! But only for 3 days. This link from wellvetted is one of my favourites, MoMA.
Wanna play?
I read a post from this guy at a local bike forum...and his nickname was Beefy. He said since he was into bodybuilding, his friends gave him that nick. I was feeling bored, so I posted something like "Hey, saw your website. Very nice." A few hours later, I realised that the administrators of the site had removed my post. is another porn site. Can't anyone have any fun no more? *sulks.
I'm 3 weeks off from work!