Bought a pipe for myself. Basket, I was just browsing through the shop nice collection of lighters, when one particular pipe catch my eye. So started asking the salesgirl about pipe smoking. Cheapest pipe in the store was $75 bucks. Then I saw another pipe which is kinda cool. I looked at the price and it was selling for $50.
So I told the salesgirl; she said it must have been a mistake. That pipe costs $150 not $50. But the pipe looked soooo nice. SImple shape and was made from dark, polished wood. So I took another similar one and it says $50. The salesgirls said it must been a mistake and ripped off the tag. I told her that since I saw it at $50, it would only be fair if I pay $50 for it.
She looked and me, and gave a defeated yes.
Weeeee...smoking a pipe is a relaxing activity, unlike smoking cigarettes. Am surprised and happy that there are a lot of things and resources on the web for me to read. Yay! Will keep fellow smokers of cigarettes updated...hopefully will convert all of you one day to the joys of pipe smoking :D