oops. i guess the wallpaper i did fer Media Arts would have fully irritated you. hiaks*
i was getting bored. i'm in one of my rebellious moods. i din like how all the designers'
sites looked alike somehow nowadays.. and i hate all the same style everyone's doin,
but another insight would be, everyone's doing it, and looking at it does not mean
knowing how to do it nor able to do it. cos, i have tried some styles i have seen
and was not able to achieve it. i guess in singapore as designers, we can't do
much but keep up with at least the latest trends and knowledge, not a season late
but at the same pace...so i felt being able to try the style u see thn from there work
from it would be what designers in singapore shld achieve..u may not agree?
one's own style being achieved would definitely be the most commendable. to find
one's style, there would be much exlporation, testings, and 'copying'. i agree that
accessibilty to users are very very important. and from knowing such problems like
you do, u can create a much better design from the trend, the new method u learned,
with ur knowldge in accessibilty fer users ain't it?
tok about accessiblity and ez user usage, i'm sorry, correct me.. thn wouldn't flash be
a crap programme to work on? apart from it being soo vector friendly??? yesh one day
everyone in the world may install flash.. one day... but yet have user's connection speed
being considered?? how many wonderful wonderful flash sites full of gadgets can be viewed
simply even fer some of us at home now? based on the average of people connecting at
56kps.how about people in poorer countries? will flash make it impossible for them to surf?
simple vectors make file size small everyone says,..dun you feel it restricts one's expression
in graphics? admit it simple flat vectors ain't that pretty. thn i wonder, what's this big wooha
about flash...? i really need to know...
what's happened to the pure art of graphics itself? what's the point being restricted by
technology? yesh it is interactive but how flash sites are actually friendly for people of all
ages...? some of the scrolls bars can't even be understood how it shld be used? and
most gadgets made in flash are jus moving stuff pretending to be interactive? yet the
alternative could be simplicity, speed and ez access...with fast loading time, not having
to go to www.macromedia.com to download anything before u wait like a blardy long 10
mins just to load a page... it only fully frustrates a user.
i was jus wondering.. what flash is really all about...
Hey.hey hey...slow down here. It was never my intention to blast at anyones design. I was reading the article from the Xplane's website and I agree with the writer that content was secondary on most websites. I am sorry if you feel the sting, though it wasn't directed at you...nor anyone for that matter.